Enterprise Development at skills development graduation

From left, Dr Sanele Mlotshwa of Umnambithi TVET; Bongeka Chonco, a graduate; and DSD MEC, Mbali Shinga

On 13 March 2025, Philile Sithole, Short Course Coordinator for MUT Enterprise Development in Institutional Advancement, attended the Skills and Development Graduation for uThukela and Amajuba Districts at Ladysmith, also called UMnambithi. Sithole was invited by the Office of the MEC for the Department of Social Development (DSD) Mbali Shinga.

The event was a very vibrant and engaging one, with many representatives from the Skills and Development industry. Sithole had an opportunity to network with the different stakeholders who were in attendance. Dignitaries included the DSD Minister herself, Mbali Shinga; the DSD Head, Nelisiwe Vilakazi; Khulekani Ngubane from SEDA; Christopher Ndlela, uMnambithi TVET Principal; the Speaker of the Amajuba Municipality, Councillor Bonginkosi Sithole; and others from the KZN Provincial government.

This was very good exposure for MUT’s Institutional Advancement, a relatively new unit at MUT, with the newest initiative, Enterprise Development, taking off in 2025. The main aim of Enterprise Development is to drive MUT’s enterprise income-generating strategy to increase third-stream income and financial sustainability through the running of training programmes, short courses, and consultancies. The visit certainly assisted in establishing collaborations that will facilitate student-centredness, graduate employment, financial independence, and job creation. As an Institution, MUT can play a key role in skills development.

At this event, a variety of activities preceded the graduation ceremony. The community was encouraged to attend skills development programmes that are offered by academic institutions. DSD also spoke about collaborating with MUT in these programmes since they are transitioning from Social Welfare, focusing on a different approach to empowering communities with skills and development opportunities.  The new approach is in line with MUT’s goal of becoming an entrepreneurial University. Institutional Advancement is strengthening its Enterprise Development unit to provide short courses that will equip communities with the skills needed to actively participate in the country’s economy.

Shortly, Enterprise Development will be scheduling its first short course. More will come that will inspire and interest many from different sectors: watch this space!