Invitation To A Vice Chancellor – Parent Meeting (For Parents Of First Year Students)

Dear MUT Parents

Thank you for entrusting MUT with your child’s future. We take this role very seriously and want to assure you that your child’s academic development and wellbeing, is of paramount importance to us.  We are also mindful of the fact that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’, and that we all need to work together to help our young students reach their full academic and leadership potential. As parents, you are key stakeholders in the life trajectory of your child, and your influence continues even after they have left home to further their studies. While the transition from school to university can be exciting and overwhelming for both first year students and parents, I want to assure you, as Vice Chancellor and Principal of MUT, that I am deeply committed to creating a safe, enabling support environment in which students can thrive. A good working relationship with MUT parents, built on transparency, open communication, trust and mutual respect, is key to achieving this strategic objective.  In the spirit of building meaningful relationships with parents, I invite you to a Vice Chancellor – Parent Meeting hosted by my office, where I look forward to meeting and interacting with you in the best interests of your child.


Date:                           Saturday, 8 February 2025

Venue:                         Level -1, Student Centre

Main Campus

Mangosuthu University of Technology

Time:                           09h 00 – 11h 00


Yours sincerely,

Professor N.M. Sibiya

Vice Chancellor & Principal